Neil's 30th on Skye

Anniversary…and other stuff!

Just a quick post this morning!

Today is our 7 year anniversary….yes 7 years ago today Olly and I went on our first date (how sweet!). It doesn’t feel like we’ve been together that long, sometimes I wonder where the 7 years have gone – but it is documented in here.  Unfortunately I’ve been at our own flat for the past week so Olly and I are apart for this anniversary 🙁

I also got my start date for my job in atmospehric chemistry research….I start on the 16th March…woo finally!  Although I have loads to do here still (thesis) AND need to swat up on my new job :S

In other news….I cut 16″ off my hair yesterday – pics are on facebook!  No I’m not bald!

Goodbye Dennis

Becca and I have spent the last couple of days in Norfolk after my uncles funeral on Wednesday. It was a nice service in which I learnt many interesting things about Dennis’ life, such as; he was in a film! The church was packed, showing that he was rather popular in the village.

Goodbye Dennis, and best wishes to Rita, Ian, Helan and Louise.

Happy Birthday Heidi!

Happy birthday sis, hope you enjoy your day.