Becca 'teaching' in Mallorca

Apr 24th

I just got into work, and I can’t feel my legs any more, that’s right, I cycled in!!!!! It took me 25mins which isn’t too bad. Of course it’s now going to take me about 3 hours to recover, so kind of defeats the whole point of getting into work quicker.
On Friday I walked to and from work, it was a 50min brisk walk, I say brisk because it was through all the unfavourable areas of MK and I feared for my life:)

I think that I am going to have to get the bus home tonight, my bike can stay here and get a lift in Beccas car when she gets back. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever missed her so much…………..

Almost finished moving in.

Today should see the last of our crap being moved from our Woolstone house, all that is left is Mark’s double matress that we are pilfering. Should be interesting to get into a 106!

With my family now gone the decorating has slowed a bit, well to a halt really. While they were up we managed to do the small bedroom, the study and most of the hallway, all they need now is to be painted their final colour (which will happen when Becca makes her mind up). With Becca off for a week I think that it’s only fair that I stop decorating and wait for her to come back 🙂 Maybe, at a push, I may strip some of the door frames.

I have been planning the study in my head, I think that I am going to have a lot of fun with power tools putting in a fitted desk and shelving, I’m sure it’ll all fall down in a matter of minutes once it’s finished!

As for the boiler, well there are still issues, it’s leaking out of somewhere but we are not sure where. Yesterday I refilled it and turned off the main pipes to the radiators and this morning the pressure seemed fine, so it looks like there’s a leak under the floor somewhere, which is going to land us with a bill for another few grand 🙁 oh well. such is life.

I really will get some pictures of the nearly finished rooms, it’s just that I have to wait for Becca to get them off her phone and you know what she’s like……..

Apr 20th

It has been three weeks now since I last updated you on my exploits, and what a three weeks it has been. I have been doing a gallon of decorating in the house and sweating like a piggie for about a week, now there is no way that something that makes me smell so bad doesn’t get me fit too! I might have a work out this week to see how I compare to before.

I have managed to find all my weights now though, and I have some really heavy ones and a nice curl bar to play with too, so I should be getting very muscley very soon 🙂

Becca’s off ‘teaching’ this week so I have to make my own way to work. Now Google claim that the walk is about 2.5km which is less than the walk to college when I was living in Clapham Junction and Maida Vale, so I may try walking tomorrow, or I might just get a taxi if it’s cold/wet 🙂


Well I have spent the last couple of days doing some real hard graft, and I am truely knackered. So far we have:

Stripped, filled, smoothed and undercoated the study (formally the utility room),

Stripped and filled the hallway,

Stripped, filled and half smoothed the small bedroom,

Fixed the hatch to the loft.

Next is to undercoat the hall, bedroom and the study again, and then to paint the skirting boards. We still have no idea on the colour scheme, Becca wants to paint the whole house the same colour, which I’m not too keen on. As for the garage, well, looks like we will be getting someone in for that 🙁 My family are up for four more days, so hopefully we will have the entire house sorted by then! Not likely I fear.

In the last three days the only rest I have had is when I was looking around Homebase, so a nice relaxing three day sleep would be great, but not likely to happen, sadly. As for Becca, well she keeps having to come to ‘work’, I suspect she is just going back to the other house and sleeping!

Will upload some of the pictures of the stuff we’ve done when I get a chance.

Hot water

It’s all rather exciting, on Monday we tried to get an appointment with a plumber to get a boiler put in, the time scale we were looking at was early May some time! This really wasn’t an option since we get kicked out of our Woolstone house on the 20th. But, as luck would have it, one of the jobs they were currently doing was going to be held up for two days so they could do it there and then. So off we rushed and they got to work. Two days later and we have a fully functioning boiler 🙂

Now all we need is a phone line and broadband and the flat will be livable, I know i said that about the hot water but it’s not my fault I have high standards.

My family are going to come up on Monday and we will begin decorating and, weather permitting, do the garage roof.